Ganesh Talkies
Struggling with postpartum hair loss? Learn expert tips and advice on managing hair loss after childbirth from the best lady gynecologist in Kolkata.
Postpartum hair loss is a normal occurrence in women shortly after delivery. While losing some hair in the weeks and months following delivery is normal, at times, it may be very frightening. Proper preparation and knowing how to deal with it do help to alleviate some of the stresses of this period. In this paper, we will discuss the causes of postpartum hair loss, the methods for managing such a condition to ensure healthy hair, and what a new mother can do to regain healthy hair.
It is most probable that hormonal changes are what causes hair loss after pregnancy. The levels of estrogen are extremely high during pregnancy. The hormones delay hair from entering the growth cycle, and occurrences wherein shedding will happen are fewer. All these hormones will return to their normal rate a few weeks after giving birth. For this reason, more hair follicles will enter the telogen phase, thus often manifesting as naturally occurring hair shedding.
Birth, new care of newborn, and adjustment to being a new mommy may cause stress on the physical as well as on an emotional level for hair growth.
New mommy’s are mostly deprived of essential nutrients because they don’t eat properly or if they are still breastfeeding.
Changes in the hormone related to the thyroid after pregnancy can cause considerable problems with hair loss.
Some of the drugs that are administered after delivery have hair loss as one of the side effects.
Although very common, the condition of postpartum hair loss is temporary and most women’s tresses return to normal within 6 to 12 months. Here are some useful tips on managing postpartum hair loss:
For overall health and hair development, good nutrition has to be taken. Just mainly eat nutrient-rich foods full of vitamins and minerals that stimulate healthy hair, including:
You are literally growing hair, after all, so make sure to eat enough lean protein sources, like chicken and eggs, beans, and tofu.
Enough said that many foods are rich in iron; some of them include leafy greens and beans, and many cereals are fortified with iron. This may, therefore, preserve your iron reserves and avoid raising the risk for hair loss.
Exposure to the sun, supplemented by the nutrient available in fortified milk products and fatty fish should therefore suffice the amount of vitamin D that would develop the hair health.
Use foods like walnuts, flaxseeds, and fatty fish with omega-3 fatty acids that stimulate healthy follicles of the hair.
There is caution that should be taken when handling your hair during the postpartum period. Here are a few steps in minimizing damage to your hair:
You might overheat your hair with blow dryers and straighteners. Try to air-dry your hair as little as possible and limit the use of more styling hot products.
Use only sulfate-free shampoos and conditions. Choose products that promote hair growth while nourishing your scalp.
In this period, a person should not try hair dyes or other chemical treatments. They will further damage the hair.
Hydration is a requirement for healthy hair. Drinking enough water keeps the healthy scalp and hair follicles. Besides hydration, stress management is also a requirement as it might trigger or even exacerbate hair loss.
Time be taken off to engage in relaxation techniques such as yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises to reduce stress levels.
Rest should be taken to a reasonable degree. Though this may mean taking shifts of the baby at the night feeds, no effort should be lessened for this cause. Good rest facilitates healthy living and wards off the possibilities of stress.
It may also be a great idea to discuss with the best lady gynecologist in Kolkata or a health care provider, if you’re concerned with excessive loss of hair or it is not regrowing some months after delivering. She may possibly refer you to treatments or hair restoration options based on your needs. In few cases, even hormone therapy or supplementation may be necessary.
No, postpartum hair loss is usually reversible. Most women regain their hair within 6 to 12 months after having delivered as their hormones regulate and return to normal.
The process of shedding may take up to 6 months in length, but hair is more likely to return after that. However, this might be slow about it.
Although there is hair loss after birth due to rising or falling hormonal activity, a balanced diet, reduction of stress, and proper care of hair are going to reduce the degree of hair shedding significantly.
Do not stop shampooing your hair. Shampoo it using a gentle one without any sulfate, and avoid further damaging your hair but avoid over washing that would create dry scalp.
Truly, this is pretty frustrating to most new mothers as they become victims of losing hair after delivery. This is normal and temporary. Keeping on the healthy diet and gently caring for hair will surely help in that period, among other things. Reducing stress and even consulting with an expert can help the hair in such periods. If proper care is maintained, it will settle down within its due time, and your hair will turn out to be normal again. If you are still very concerned about the heavy shedding of hair, it would be wise enough to have a consultation with a good healthcare professional, like the best lady gynecologist in Kolkata. Probably they can provide more support and guide you in handling postpartum hair loss and make sure that overall health and well-being is also fine.